• Decentralized solar applications through segmenting the textile process machineries and coupling suitable DC drive systems instead of AC.
  • Optimising the power requirements of the process machineries for renewable energy applications to justify internal rate of returns (IRR).
  • To utilize the locally available renewable energy resources thereby providing sustainable employment round the year


Conventional Drive System New DC Drive System
A conventional 60 inches Power Loom consumes about 750 Watts per hour of Grid Power The new DC Drive system coupled to the same Power Loom consumes about 300 Watts per hour of Power thereby power saving of more than 50%
There are more than 5 Lakh Power Looms in Tirupur area If the system is implemented in about 1 lakh Power Looms than the total energy conservation will be about 300 Lakh Watts (30 MW) per hour
If the per MW cost of power plant installation is about Rs. 8 – 10 Crores than for 30 MW will be Rs. 300 Crores and per Hour Tariff @ Rs. 5000 per MW ie. Rs. 35 Lakhs per day Installation cost of this system on One
Lakh Power Looms is estimated to be
about Rs. 250 Crores with 30 MW per
Hour of savings
In addition to above, if the same
conventionally powered loom is operated through Solar for the day of 8 hrs operation will require about 2000 Watts of SPV panels
In addition to above, if the same conventionally powered loom is operated through Solar for the day of 8 hrs operation will require about 2000 Watts of SPV panels


  • Cost effectiveness in providing the solar energy support to the Loom such that the investment for the system should be justifiable with the output.
  • Standardized technology for the operation of Powerlooms on solar energy.
  • Minimizing operational maintenance & overall drudgery
  • To develop a specifically designed solar powered loom kit attachment to operate existing powerlooms which is normally in practice.
  • Possibility for the weavers to earn & thereby save energy.


  1. Power Loom: The powerlooms presently used in powerloom weaving sector.
  2. Solar panel: The solar panel of 500 – 700 Wp are suitable for proper
    functioning of the system daily from morning to evening for more than 8 hours.
  3. Solar kit: The solar kit to be fitted to the powerloom comprises of two major subsystems.
    • The motor: Specially designed PMDC motor and pulleys systems are
      developed which can be directly mounted on looms.
    • The Control Unit: The control unit is a robust box made of steel with
      digital display, electrical sockets, switches and a handle. The charge
      controller and a battery are fitted in this properly ventilated box


  • Green Energy Operations
  • Low operation cost
  • Retrofit Solar Kit easy to couple on existing looms
  • Battery back-up available
  • Can be designed to operate on regular AC grid power
  • User friendly system design
  • Solar lighting, mobile charging’ FM etc. can be coupled